Friday, October 1, 2010

Please Give Me Your Details, and We'll Call You Right Back.

This week a colleague of mine had a conversation that showed how far the Swazi government is from internalizing its own Constitution.  We had heard that the Government Press Secretary circulates an email on resolutions etc taken by the Cabinet after each Cabinet meeting. As we work in an NGO, we felt it might be really useful to be on that list.

So my colleague called up the Cabinet Office, and we were bowled over by the conversation.

Us (after friendly intros): So, do you think we could be placed on the mailing list?

Them: I'm sorry, the mailing list is only for the media.

Us: But surely if it's going to the media, it doesn't matter if it also goes to an NGO?

Them: Um...I'll have to ask the Prime Minister about that. Please call back.

Section 1 states that Swaziland is a "democratic Kingdom."  Section 24 ensures the right to access information within the right of free expression.  I wonder if the Cabinet Office will remind the PM of that, when asking about our request?